从前,森林里的动物举行了一次盛大的集会。狮子说道:“看我是多么英勇!就是这种英勇让我成为了森林之王。” 狐狸说道:“看我是多么聪明!就是这种聪明让我能吃得那么好。” 孔雀说道:“看我的羽毛是多么美丽!就是这份美丽让我成为森林里的奇迹和羡慕的对象。” 大象说道:“看我的象牙是多么长多么有力!没有任何东西能抵挡得住它们的力量。” 住在石头缝里的癞蛤蟆走过来说:"正是獅子的英勇引领他到牧群那儿,被猎人杀掉。正是狐狸的聪明最后把他带到皮货商那儿。正是孔雀的羽毛让人们垂涎,因此导致他的灭亡。 大象也就是因为象牙而被追捕,象牙就是他灾难的根源。你们的虚荣就意味着你们的灭亡!" The Assembly of Animals Once there was a great assembly of the animals in a wood. The lion said, “Look, how great my valor! It’s this that makes me king of the woods. ” The fox said, “Look,how deep my cunning! It's this that feeds me so well. ” The peacock said, “Look, how bright my feathers! It’s this that makes me the wonder and admiration of the wood. ” The elephant said, 44Look, how long and powerful my tusks! There is nothing that can resist them. ’, A toad, who lived secure in the heart of a rock, close by, said, “It’s the lion’s valor that leads him to the herds, and gets him killed by the hunters. It’s the fox’s cunning that brings him to the furrier at last. It’s the plumes of the peacock that men covet; hence his ruin. The elephant is hunted for his tusks, and they are his bane. In the mark of your vanity is your death!,’ |