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时间:2013-11-24 18:32来源:http://yr.89sp.com 作者:编辑组 点击:
一只狼经常被狐狸骗走猎物。于是他认为要除掉他的敌人,最好就是去森林之王老虎面前告他的状。 一个晴朗的上午,他来到大王的洞穴里说:上午好,陛下。 什么新鲜事吗,我的好朋
狼说:“昨天,森林里的全体动物召开了会议。因为他们从您那里得到了恩惠,所以大家讨论向您表达谢意的最好方式。我迫切地想知道他们之中是否有谁对您的统治有不满的地方。因此,我开始假装对狐狸说您的坏话。他立即回应道:‘哦,我非常同意你的观点。没有哪个国王比我们现在的国王更加残暴了 !越早铲除他越好。’我应该立即告诉陛下这件事, 但由于当时是深夜,我就没能告诉您。"
"为什么? ”老虎吼声如雷。

The Tiger, the Wolf, and the Fox
A wolf was often cheated of his prey by a fox; so he thought the best way of getting rid of his enemy would be to carry tales against him to the tiger, who was the king of the forest.
So one fine morning,he went to the lair of the king and said,“ Good morning,your majesty.”
“What news, my good fellow?” said the king.
“Ah, I have such news,” said the wolf, “as would only increase your anger against that reckless villain Reynard; but, as he is my friend, I think it better to keep it from my sovereign.
This only made the tiger more eager to know what the wolf had to say. He therefore commanded him to disclose all that Reynard had done.
The wolf said, “Yesterday there was a meeting of all the animals in the forest, to confer as to the best method of expressing their gratitude for all the blessings they have received from your majesty. I was anxious to know if there was any among them that had ill-feelings towards my sovereign. So I began by pretending to speak ill of your majesty to Reynard. He instantly replied, 'Oh, I quite agree with you! There is no greater tyrant than our present king. The sooner he is got rid of, the better. ’ I should have laid the matter at once before your majesty; but, as it was late in the night, I could not do so. ”
The tiger raged with fury; and sending for Reynard then and there, said, “Villain, did you speak ill of us?”
“I did, your majesty,” said the fox.
“Why?” said the tiger, in a thundering voice.
“Because,” said the fox, in tones equally loud and furious, pointing to the wolf, “that villain there began to slander the character of my benign sovereign, and I was ea
ger, come what would, to find out what the depth of his malice was!”
The tiger was astonished to see the tables thus turned upon the wolf. He was further at a loss to know who the culprit really was. So he sent them away, with the remark, “ It's a villain that cheats a villain best!”
