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时间:2013-11-23 11:14来源:http://yr.89sp.com 作者:编辑组 点击:
一天清晨,人们还没起床,有一个人正在悬崖峭壁间走着。突然他来到一个洞口,听见山洞里面的人们在欢笑跳舞,山洞外面放着许多海豹皮。他拣起一张皮,拿回家锁在了箱子里。 过了
.后来,姑娘终于接受了那个男人,但是跟其他人却| —直相处得不好。她常常坐在那里,望着大海。过了些日子,男人便娶她为妻。他们曰子过得不错,生了许多孩子。

The Sealskin
Early one morning before people had gotten up,a some cliffs when he came to the entrance. He could hear that there was laughter and dancing going on inside the hill, and outside he saw a large number of sealskins. He picked up one of them, took it home, and locked it in his trunk. Some time later, he went back to the cave’s entrance. A beautiful young girl was sitting there. She was entirely naked and crying bitterly. She was the seal to whom the skin belonged that the man had taken. The man gave the girl some clothing, comforted her, and took her home with him.
Later she came to accept him, but never got along very well with other people. She
would often just sit there and look out to sea. After some time the man took her as his wife. They lived well together and had many children.
The peasant hid the skin, locking it securely in his trunk,and he carried the key with him everywhere he went.
Many years later he rowed out fishing and for got the key at home under his pillow. When he arrived home that evening the trunk was open, and his wife had disappeared with the skin. She had found the key, out of curiosity looked through the trunk, and found the skin.
She could not resist the temptation. She said farewell to her children, put on the skin,and threw herself into the sea.
Before the woman jumped into the sea, it is reported that she said:
“To go I want, and yet I want it not,
Seven children have I at the bottom of the sea,
Seven children have I as well here above. ’,
This touched the peasant’s heart. After this, when he rowed out fishing, a seal often swam around his boat, and it seemed that tears were running from its eyes. From this time on he was always successful catching fish
People frequently saw this couple's children walking on the beach while a seal swam along out in the sea accompanying them. It would throw colorful fish and pretty shells to them.
But the mother never again returned to land.
