据说,梅露西娜是卢森堡的创建者齐格弗里德伯爵的妻子。他们结婚时,她对齐格弗里德有一个特别的要求:每个月必须让她单独呆上一天一夜,无须问她也无须去弄清楚她在干什么。当然,梅露西娜美貌绝伦,齐格弗里德怎能拒绝她这样一个小小的愿望。年复一年,一切都顺心如意。每个月第一个星期三,梅露西娜都要躲到“炮塔”中的卧室里,到星期四天蒙蒙亮才能露面。 但是有一天,齐格弗里德再也忍不住心中的好奇。他纳闷她到底一个人在搞什么东西,便透过锁眼向里偷看,看到的场面让他大吃一惊:梅露西娜正躺在浴缸里,鱼尾巴搁在缸边上。大家都清楚,像梅露西娜这样的美人鱼都有第六感,她们瞬间就能察觉有人在偷看。 因此,她透过门认出是自己丈夫,便从窗户上一纵身跳进了河里,再也没有人见到过她。 齐格弗里德伯爵后悔没有听妻子的话,此后很多年,一直伤心欲绝。 Melusina Melusina is said to have been the wife of the founder of Luxembourg, Count Siegfried. When they married, she had one particular request, namely that Siegfried must leave her alone for one full day and night every month, and that he should not ask or try to find out what she was doing. Of course, Melusina was such a beautiful girl, that Siegfried could not refuse her this one small wish, and all went well for years and years. When on the first Wednesday of the month, Melusina would retire into her chambers in the “Casemates’,not to be seen again until early light on Thursday. But one day, Siegfried's curiosity got the better of him. Wondering what on earth she might be doing alone all the time, he peeped through the keyhole, and was shocked to see that Melusina was lying in the bathtub, with a fishtail hanging over the rim. As you all know, mermaids like Melusina, have a very keen sixth sense, which tells them instantly that they are being watched,and thus she recognized her husband through the door, and jumped out of the window into the river below, never to be seen again. Count Siegfried regretted not having listened to his wife and remained heart-broken for long years. |