有一天晚上,在瑞士有两个姑娘打扮得很漂亮,边开玩笑边在路上走着,突然一个巨大的胖蟾蜍从她们面前的路上蹒跚地穿过。姑娘就开这个大动物的玩笑。她们中的一个说,如果蟾蜍能生个小孩的话,她愿意给这个小孩当教母。另一个马上补充说,到时她愿意给大家做吃的。 几天后的一个夜晚,一个老太太敲她们俩小房子的门,提醒她们曾经许下的诺言,并请她们去参加蟾蜍的小孩的洗礼。她们犹豫了很久,但是最后这两个淘气的姑娘因为心里害怕只好出了家门,置身于夜色中。老太太领着她们去了一个很远很远的地方,仪式要在那里进行。那里一个妇女抱着一个新生婴儿,身边围着各种各样的奇怪的客人。两个姑娘边叹气,边履行了自己的诺言。她们完成了自己的任务,一个妇女谢过了她们,给了她们一条围裙,包着壁炉里来的煤炭。尽管姑娘们不想要这份礼物,但也不敢扔掉。她们急匆匆地往家里赶,大部分煤炭都落到了地上,也顾不上身后一遍遍传来的声音:"你们扔得越多,你们得到的越少!” 她们到家后,剩下的那一点点煤炭都变成了纯金。 The Godmother Two girls in Switzerland,beautifully dressed up,were walking along playfully one evening when suddenly a gigantic fat toad waddled across their path. The girls joked about the large animal. One of them said that if it ever had a baby, she would be its godmother. The other one quickly added that she would cook for the occasion. A few days afterward,late in the evening,an old woman knocked at the cottage door of the two girls, reminded them of their promise, and asked them to come to the baptism of the toad's child. They hesitated a long time, but fear finally drove the mischievous pair out into the night. The old woman led them to a remote place where the ceremony was taking place. A woman was there with a newborn child,and surrounded by all kinds of strange guests. Sighing, the two girls did what they had promised to do. As they were discharged from their duties, the woman thanked them kindly and gave them an apron filled with coal from the fireplace. The girls did not dare to throw the unwanted gift away, but as they quickly made their way homeward, they let most of the coal fall to the ground,paying no attention to a voice that repeatedly sounded from behind : “The more you throw away, the less you will have!” When they arrived at home, the little bit of coal that they still had was nothing but pure gold. |