伊蒙是一个武士,酷爱打猎和比赛。他只有一个独子,请了三个保姆照看着。除了这个孩子,他最喜欢的就是他的猎鹰和灰狗。 碰巧有一天,他接到邀请去参加比赛,妻子和佣人也一同前往。小孩子留在家里,灰狗躺在他身边,猎鹰在栖木上。 住在城堡附近洞穴里的一条大毒蛇,趁着万籁俱寂,悄悄从住的地方钻了出来,向摇篮爬去,想吃掉小孩子。猎鹰看到情况危急,就扑打翅膀,把狗弄醒了。灰狗立即向来犯之敌展开攻势,经过一场恶战,自己身受重伤,把蛇咬死了。然后,他躺在地上,舔着伤口。 保姆回家后,发现摇篮翻了,小孩也抛在地上,遍地是血。看到狗也浑身是血糊糊的,她们马上断定是狗咬死了孩子。一想到小孩的父母会大发雷霆,她们决定逃之夭夭。可是就在逃跑的路上,她们碰到了女主人,只好向她讲了小孩遇害的事,并且认定灰狗就是罪魁祸首。 不久,武士到家了,一听到噩耗,都气疯了,朝出事地点冲了过去。可怜的受了伤的狗费力地站了起来,像往常一样温顺地欢迎主人。但是,武士却用锋利的剑对待他,他倒在地上,一命呜呼。 他们检查摇篮的时候,发现婴儿还活着,毫发无损,丧命的大毒蛇就躺在旁边。武士恍然大悟,为杀死忠心耿耿的灰狗感到痛心疾首,追悔莫及。他从此不再当武士,把长矛断成三截,发誓要到圣地朝圣。在那里,他度过了自己的余生。 Hymond Killed His Greyhound in Anger Hymond, a knight, was fond of hunting and tournaments. He whom three nurses were provided. Next to this child he loved his hound. It happened one day that he was called to a tournament, and his wife and domestics went also, leaving the child in the cradle, the greyhound lying by him, and the falcon on his perch. A serpent that inhabited a hole near the castle, taking advantage of the profound silence that reigned, crept from his habitation and advanced towards the cradle to devour the child. The falcon, perceiving the danger, fluttered with his wings till he awoke the dog, who instantly attacked the invader, and after a fierce conflict, in which he was sorely wounded,killed him. He then lay down on the ground to lick his wounds. When the nurses returned, they found the cradle overturned, the child thrown out, and the ground covered with blood. On seeing the dog in blood too, they immediately concluded he had killed the child. Terrified at the idea of meeting the anger of the parents, they determined to escape, but in their flight fell in with their mistress, to whom they were compelled to relate the supposed murder of the child by the greyhound. The knight soon arrived to hear the sad story, and, maddened with fury, rushed forward to the spot. The poor wounded animal made an effort to rise, and welcome his master with his accustomed fondness; but the enraged knight received him on the point of his sword, and he fell lifeless to the ground. On examination of the cradle the infant was found alive and unhurt, and the dead The knight now perceived what had happened, lamented bitterly Abandoning the profession of arms, he broke his lance in three Holy Land,where he spent the rest of his days in |