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时间:2013-11-20 11:33来源:http://yr.89sp.com 作者:编辑组 点击:
一天,一只秃鹰飞到树上。一会儿,一只老鹰也来了,对秃鹰说:秃鹰,你在这儿干什么?你这个没用的家伙。秃鹰说:我坐在这儿等待机会来临。 老鹰看到一只鹌鹑落在树桩上,便对秃
老鹰看到一只鹌鹑落在树桩上,便对秃鹰说:"我靠我的本领吃饭。看看我怎么对付那只鹌鹑。我要当着你的面把他咬碎,吃掉。你说你在等待机会,而我要靠我的本领吃饭。”于是 老鹰冲向鹌鹑去抓他,但是鹌鹑飞离了树桩。老鹰的前胸撞到树桩上,裂开了。他起不来,也飞不了了。
秃鹰跳到老鹰的身上就开始吃,一会儿就吃掉了他。 这就是老鹰炫耀的报应啊!

The Eagle and the Buzzard
One day a buzzard flew into a tree. After a while an eagle came and said to the buzzard, “Buzzard, what are you doing here? You are a worthless fellow. ” The buzzard said,
“I am sitting here waiting for my chance.”
The eagle saw a quail alight on a stump,and he said to the buzzard, “I eat by my strength. Watch and see what I do to the quail. I will cut him up and eat him before your eyes.
You said that you were waiting for your chance, but I eat by my strength. ” Then the eagle made a dash to catch the quail, but the quail flew and left the stump. The breast of the eagle struck the stump and was cut open. He was not able to get up and fly.
The buzzard came flying and alighted near him. The eagle said, Buzzard, what are you doing here?” The buzzard said, ‘‘I am going to eat you. This is what god has given me.’ The eagle said, “No, I do not want you to eat me.,’ The buzzard said, “You will see what I will do with you. I will eat you right now. ”
The buzzard hopped over onto the eagle and began to eat, and he finished him.
These are the wages, which the eagle got for showing off.
