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时间:2013-11-19 09:42来源:http://yr.89sp.com 作者:编辑组 点击:
一天,一个天使听到一个小孩在哭,就来看看是什么事让孩子伤心。他发现小孩坐在地上,背对着太阳,正看着地上自己的影子,伤心地哭着。 什么事让你难过,小家伙? 天使问。 世界
"什么事让你难过,小家伙? ”天使问。
“你没听到鸟儿在歌唱、孩子在嬉戏吗? ”天使问。
"嗨丨孩子们在那儿呢! ”那个小孩说。
"是呀! ”天使说,"他们就在那里 ’’
“噢,不是的。”天使说,“影子就在你身后,那是它应该在的地方。去吧,快,去给坐在那边草丛里最小的那个孩子摘些花吧! ”

The Shadow
An angel heard a child crying one day, and little one sitting on the ground,with the sun at its lay on the ground before it, and weeping bitterly “What ails you, little one?” asked the Angel.
“丁he world is so dark!” said the child. “See, it is all dusky gray, and there is no beauty in it. Why must I stay in this sad, gray world?”
“Do you not hear the birds singing, and the other children calling at their play?” asked the Angel.
“Yes,” said the child, “I hear them, but I do not know where they are. I cannot see them, I see only the shadow. Moreover, if they saw it, they would not sing and call, but would weep as I do. ”
The Angel lifted the child, and set it on its feet, with its face to the early sun. “Look!” said the Angel.
The child brushed away the tears from its eyes and looked. Before them lay the fields all green and gold, shining with dewdrops, and the other children were running to and fro, laughing and shouting, and crowning one another with blossoms.
“Why, there are the children!” said the little one.
“Yes,” said the Angel, “there they are.”
“And the sun is shining!” cried the child.
“Yes,,,said the Angel, “it was shining all the time. ”
“And the shadow is gone!”
“Oh, no!” said the Angel, “the shadow is behind you, where it belongs. Run, now, and gather flowers for the littlest one, who sits in the grass there!”
