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时间:2013-11-19 09:41来源:http://yr.89sp.com 作者:编辑组 点击:
一个人在监狱里慢慢变老了,坐在那儿为他的监禁生活伤心。 他说:唉!这是一个多么糟糕的地方啊,而我却不得不呆在里面丨我的身边都是叹息和抽泣,悲伤和罪恶。这些令人讨厌的
不久进来一个穿白色衣服的人,他把门打开,向他示意说:"出来吧!" 但是那个人却在原先坐着的地方蹲下来,大喊道:“不丨不!我还没有准备好要出去呢。不管怎样,监狱既结实又挡雨,除了冬天外不是很冷。外面很陌生很空落,冷风呼呼吹,我真不知道去哪里。而且我的狱友们也很好,尽管他们道德不是那么高尚。让我呆在这里吧,至少雨淋不着,很暖和,能避开外面那些我不了解的事情。"

The Open Door
A man who had grown old in prison sat and bewailed his imprisonment.
“Alas!” he said, “what a dreadful place is this in which I must stay! All around me is sighing and sobbing, sorrow and wickedness. The loathly walls hem me in straitly; the window-bars are strong and heavy; there is no escape. Hateful is this prison, hateful the days i pass in it, hateful the faces of men and women, prisoners like myself. Oh, that the door were open,and I a free man! ”
By and by came one in white, who set open the door, and beckoned to the man, and said,“ Come forth! ”
But the man crouched down where he sat, and cried out, “No! No! I am not ready to go yet. After all, the prison is tight and dry, and not so very cold, save in winter. Out side it is strange and empty, and a wind blows, I know not whither. Moreover, my fellow-prisoners are friendly, even if they are not so very virtuous. Let me stay here, where at least I am dry and warm, and safe from the things that are not known.,’
And he turned to his fellow-prisoners, and laid hold on their clothes, and cried, “ Save me! Save me from him in white,and from the open door! ’,
