“我爬不到山顶了。"小男孩说,"我根本就做不到。我该怎么办呢?我肯定一辈子都要呆在这儿了,呆在山脚下,太糟糕了!” "真遗憾!”他的姐姐说,“但是你看,小家伙!我发现一件非常好玩的事。抬脚走一步,看看你在泥土上留下的脚印有多清晰啊。看看我的!脚上的每一根线条都印得很请楚。现在你试一下,看看能不能和我的一样清楚!,, 小男孩迈了一步。 "我的和你的一样清楚。"他说。 "你觉得是吗?"他姐姐说,“看我的,我踩得比你用力,因为我比你重,所以脚印比你的深,再试一下。” “现在我的脚印和你的一样深!”小男孩叫道,“看!这儿,这儿,还有这儿,这些脚印已经够深的了!” "是呀,很好,"姐姐说,"但是现在轮到我了,让我再试一下,我们看看。” 他们就这样一步一步地走着,比着谁的脚印深,看到灰尘从他们的脚丫子缝里扑地冒出来,他们哈哈大笑。 不久以后,小男孩抬起头。 “嗨!”他说,"我们爬到山顶了!” "天啊!”姐姐说,"我们真的到了!” A Little Boy Climbs the Hill “I cannot walk up this hill,” said the little boy. “I cannot possibly do it. What will become of me? I must stay here all my life, at the foot of the hill: it is too terrible!” “That is a pity!” said his sister. “But look, little boy! I have found such a pleasant thing to play. Take a step, and see how clear a footprint you can make in the dust. Look at mine! Every single line in my foot is printed clear. Now, you try, and see if you can do as well!” The little boy took a step. “Mine is just as clear!” he said. “Do you think so?” said his sister. “See mine, again here! I tread harder than you, because I am heavier, and so the print is deeper. Try again. ’, “Now mine is just as deep!” cried the little boy. “See! Here, and here, and here, they are just as deep as they can be.,’ “Yes, that is very well/ said his sister, “but now it is my turn; let me try again, and we shall see. ” They kept on, step by step, matching their footprints, and laughing to see the dust puff up between their bare toes. By and by the little boy looked up. “Why!” he said. “We are at the top of the hill!” “Dear me!” said his sister. “So we are!” |