有个著名的圣人,叫萨达特。他住在远离尘嚣、高耸入云的喜马拉雅山上。他选择了一种简单的生活,大多数时间都在冥想。世人常常连续跋涉好多天,才能见到他,得到他的指点。 一次,有这么一群人带着问题来找圣人。但他们没什么规矩,谁都想先问问题,结果就你一句他一句地吵了起来。圣人萨达特喜欢安静,看着这乱糟糟的场面,最后大喊一声:"安静! ’’ 众人心生敬畏,立刻安静下来。圣人萨达特说:“围成圈坐在地上,等我回来。” 他进了自己的小棚屋,很快就出来了,拿着纸、笔和小藤条篮子。他把纸和笔分给大家,把篮子放在中间。然后,吩咐大家写下自己觉得最麻烦的问题,把纸放到篮子里。 大家写完后,圣人晃了晃篮子里的纸把它们混在一起,然后平静地说:"把篮子传一圈,每人拿起最上面的纸。读一下纸上的问题,看看你是否愿意把它当成自己的问题。’’ 他们一个接一个地拿起一张纸,读着彼此的问题,看后都大吃一惊。他们得出结论:自己最糟糕的冋题跟其他人的相比也好得多。几分钟后,自己最初写得纸条又回到了自己手中。 他们谢过圣人的指点,上路走了。 Clever Decision of the Sage There was a famous sage called, Sadat, who lived high up in the Himalayan Mountains, far away from humanity. He chose a simple life and spent most of his time meditating. People from all over the globe would travel for days on end to meet him and ask for his advice. Once such a group of people approached sage Sadat with their problems, but they were unruly and fought amongst each other, because all of them wanted to speak first. Sage Sadat, a peaceful man, watched the commotion and finally said out loud, "Silence ! ” The people were awe-struck and immediately kept quiet. Then sage Sadat said, " Sit down in a circle on the ground and await my return!" He went into his little cottage and soon returned with some sheets of paper, pens, and a small cane basket. He passed out the paper and pens, and placed the basket in the middle of the circle. Then he told the people to write down the one most important problem they were troubled by and put it in the basket. When everyone had finished,the sage shook the papers in the basket so as to mix them and calmly said, " Now pass the basket around and pick up which ever paper is on top. Read the problem and if you choose, make it your own. ” One by one the people picked out a paper and read each other’s problems and were horrified. They came to the conclusion that their worst problem was better than the other person’s problem. Within minutes each of them finally had their original paper in hand; they thanked the sage Sadat for his advice and went on their way. |