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时间:2013-11-14 11:49来源:http://yr.89sp.com 作者:编辑组 点击:
 蜜蜂做了一面新鼓,他们喜欢跳舞,这一点大家都知道。那天,在新鼓的伴奏下,跳呀,唱呀,足足玩了几个小时。当然,所有其他的动物都听到了蜂窝里传出的喧闹声,他们来这里是希望能接到邀请 跟他们一块唱歌跳舞。可是,蜜蜂却只顾自己庆祝。狮子、大象、豹 子、大羚羊、水牛、羚羊、猪,甚至乌龟都来了。
于是,最后乌龟提出试一试。他们都由衷地大笑,但是乌龟进了蜂窝,告诉蜜蜂自己是个打鼓高手。蜜蜂允许他打了一会儿,他演奏得优美动听。突然之间,鼓不见了。聪明的乌龟 把鼓藏到了龟壳下面。
The Bees and the Tortoise
The Bees had made a new drum. Bees love dancing, as everyone knows, and that day they danced and hummed for hours to their new drum. Of course, all the other animals heard the noise coming from the bees’ hive and they came there hoping to be invited to join in ; but the bees kept their celebration all to themselves. The lion,the elephant ,the leopard, the hartebeest, the buffalo, the antelope, the hog, and even the tortoise were there.
After listening for a while, the animals grew so fond of the sound of the new drum that they decided to steal it. The lion tried first but he was stung by a hundred bees and had to run away. All the animals tried but none of them succeeded in stealing the drum.
— Then, at last, the tortoise offered to try. They all laughed
heartily, but the tortoise went into the hive and told the bees that he was a master drummer. He played beautifully after the bees had given him permission to drum for a little while. Suddenly the drum disappeared. The clever tortoise had hidden it under his shell.
Then he excused himself and walked quietly away. The bees tried to sting him but to no avail - he was too well protected. That was why he had the confidence to try when everyone else had failed.
