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时间:2013-11-14 11:42来源:http://yr.89sp.com 作者:编辑组 点击:
三个旅客在疲惫而漫长的旅途中搭伴而行,同甘共苦,有物同享。很多天过去了,他们意识到只剩下一块面包,水壶里也只有一口水了。为到底谁该吃这块面包,他们开始争吵。 夜幕降
"但是你们都离这里很远啊! 一个去了远处,另一个去了将来!你们怎么能听见我的叫喊? ”他回答。

Which One Should Eat the Bread?
Three travelers on a long and exhausting journey had become companions, and shared the same pleasures and sorrows, pooling all their resources. After many days they realized that all they had between them was a piece of bread and a mouthful of water in a flask. They fell to quarrelling as to who should have all the food.
As dusk was falling, one finally suggested that they should sleep. When they awoke, the person who had had the most remarkable dream would decide what should be done.
The next morning the three rose as the sun came up and the first traveler said, " This is my dream ; I was carried away to some wonderful and serene places. I met a wise man who said to me, ‘ You deserve the food,for your past and future life is worthy and admirable.
"How strange," said the second traveler. "For in my dream, I actually saw all my past and my future. In my future I saw a man of great knowledge, who said, 1 You deserve the bread more than your friends, for you are more learned and patient. You must be we Hnur tured, for you are destined to lead men.
The third traveler said, "In my dream I saw nothing, heard nothing, said nothing. I felt I was forced by some mysterious power to get up, find the bread and water, and consume them then."
The two companions were very angry and demanded to know why they were not called when the mysterious power compelled him to consume the bread.
"But you were fa「什om here! One of you was carried away to far places and the other to another time! How could you hear my calling?” he replied.
