从前,在很远的地方,有一个叫内鲁的妇女启程去离家很远的一个村庄。 她是去寻找一个有超凡智慧的人。 到了村子里,内鲁获悉这个人住在附近的一个山坡上。尽管夜幕已经降临,但是她还是爬山,朝着一盏明亮的灯走去,心想在亮灯的地方一定会找到那个智者。 她到了亮灯的地方一看,大吃一惊,除了一盏油灯,飞蛾扑打扑打围着团团转外,空空如也。她眼睛适应了这里的黑暗之后,注意到不远处闪烁着微弱的光。她走近一看,发现那个人正借着烛光读书呢。 内鲁向他打了招呼,然后问道那边的灯亮多了,你怎么坐在这里呢?黑糊糊的!" "你可以看出那盏亮灯是给飞蛾的,这根蜡烛是留给我安安静静地夜读的。”这个人回答。 The Story of the Two Lights Upon reaching the village, Neru was told that the man lived on a nearby mountainside. Although darkness was failing, she set off up the mountain towards a bright light, certain that it was there she would find the man. When she reached the source of the light she was surprised to find nothing but an oil-lamp with moths fluttering around it. As her eyes grew accustomed to the dark, Neru noticed a dim glow a short way off. Walking over to it, she discovered the man reading by the light of a candle. Neru greeted him and then asked, " Why are sitting here in the near-darkness when there is a much brighter light over there?” "As you can see, the bright light is for the moths, leaving me here in peace to study by the light of my candle," replied the man. |