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时间:2013-11-14 11:29来源:http://yr.89sp.com 作者:编辑组 点击:
从前,一个叫阿玛尔的国王想检验一下邻国国王拉纳是否聪明,就送给了国王三个金子做的小雕像,外面看一模一样,重量也 样。 拉纳和大臣们仔细研究了这些雕像,但是都说不出它们
 从前,一个叫阿玛尔的国王想检验一下邻国国王拉纳是否聪明,就送给了国王三个金子做的小雕像,外面看一模一样,重量也 —样。
正当他们要放弃之际,一个年轻人说要是让他看看小雕像,他就能找出其中的不同。他仔细地看了一下,注意到所有三个雕像 耳朵那儿都有一个小孔。他插进去了一根细细的银线,结果发现第一个雕像线从嘴里出来。 第二个线从另一只耳朵出来。第三个线从肚脐里出来。他思考了一会儿,转身对国王说:

The Three Figurines
A king by the name of Amar wanted to test the cleverness of the neighboring king, Rana. He sent the king three golden figurines, each with the same appearance and weight. The king's task was to conclude which figurine is the most valuable.
Rana and his court ministers studied the figurines, but were unable to distinguish one from the other. Even the wisest person in his kingdom could not see any differences.
Just when they were about to give up hope a young man said that he would determine the difference if he could inspect the figurines. After he looked them over very carefully, he noticed that all three figurines had a small hole in the ear. He inserted a thin silver thread and discovered that, with the first figurine the thread came out through the mouth. With the second figurine, the thread came out the other ear. With the third, the thread came out through the navel. After thinking about this for a while, he turned to the king.
"Your Majesty, the first figurine reminds us of people who immediately go out and retell what they have just heard. The second figurine is like the person for whom news goes in one ear and out the other. The third figurine, however, is very much like a person who keeps to himself what he hears. On this basis, you should judge the value of the figurines."
Which would you want as your confidant? The one who cannot keep anything to himself? The one who considers your words no more important than the wind? Or the one who is a trustworthy keeper of your words?
