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时间:2013-11-14 11:27来源:http://yr.89sp.com 作者:编辑组 点击:
好望角大羚羊一身灰褐色,很邋遢,也没有长角。鸵鸟一身华丽,黑白相间的皮毛,长长的脖子,还长着一对漂亮细长的角。 大羚羊非常嫉妒,就向鸵鸟挑战赛跑。我跑得比你快多了。
鸵鸟气得发狂,终于停了下来,再也跑不动了,开始朝着大羚羊扔石头。鸵鸟低头找更多的石头扔的时候,大羚羊一边哈哈大笑,一边拿着角和华丽的黑白毛皮跑掉了。 很长一段时间,他们没有再见面。大羚羊为自己的新角和新毛皮很感自豪。
鸵鸟垂头丧气,只好认输,心里却偷偷松了一口气,自己再也没必要带着那么沉重的负担 了。"也许我们可以做朋友,大羚羊可以用我的角保护我。”他心想。

Gemsbok and Ostrich
The Gemsbok was a dowdy animal, grey in color and without horns. The Ostrich was a magnificent beast, having a black and white coat, a long neck and a pair of beau- tiful slender horns.
The Gemsbok was very jealous and challenged the Ostrich to a race. “ I can run much faster than you," said the Gemsbok, "but I will give you a fair chance by carrying your heavy horns for you. I will still beat you."
Unable to resist this challenge from the Gemsbok, the Ostrich readily agreed. “This will be an easy victory," he thought. He gave the Gemsbok his heavy horns and black and white coat.
Sprinting ahead, the Gemsbok took an early lead in the race. He chose all the stony places to run over. Behind him the Ostrich was limping badly. His soft feet were not accustomed to running on this hard and uneven surface.
Furious, the Ostrich eventually stopped, unable to run any more, and started throwing stones at the Gemsbok. When the Ostrich looked down for more stones to throw, the Gemsbok laughed and ran away with the horns and magnificent cloak of black and white. For a long time they did not meet. The Gemsbok was proud of his new cloak and horns.
In the meantime the Ostrich was beginning to feel the benefits of not having to carry those heavy horns. However, when they did meet again, the Ostrich, out of pride, fought to regain his stolen possessions, but found the Gemsbok far too skillful using the horns.
Dejected, the Ostrich had to admit defeat, while being secretly relieved that he did not have to carry the heavy burden again. "Maybe we should be friends and the Gems- bok can protect me with those horns of mine," he thought.
The Gemsbok and Ostrich are often found together for this very reason.
