在一块沙地上,一个托钵僧正在打坐冥想。一个君主正好路过。 托钵僧早已摆脱了尘世的烦恼,所以他既没抬头,也没理睬。这个大权在握的君主傲慢无比,狂怒地说:"这些穿着破斗篷的托钵僧比畜生好不到哪里去!" 他的一个大臣斥责这个托钵僧说:“圣君驾临此地,你既不起身也不鞠躬,为何如此傲慢无礼?” 托钵僧说:“告诉你们的王,让那些渴望得到他奖赏的人向他鞠躬吧。告诉他,统治者是保护臣民的。臣民生下来并不是仅仅为了服从统治者。统治者尽管位高权重,有花不完的金银财宝,他也应该是穷苦人民的保护者。命运之神一旦下达不可抗拒的旨意,国王和奴隶无一能幸存。挖开坟墓,找找那些布满尘土的骨头,谁能分辨哪个是富人,哪个是乞丐?” 君主被托钵僧的话深深触动。他说:"让我为你做件事吧!" 托钵僧回答:"请你不要再打扰我了。” 国王恳求道:“给我点建议吧!” 托钵僧回答说:"既然你手里掌握着财富,就要想到这种财富和权力会轻而易举地从一个人手里转到另一个人手里,现在意识到这点还为时不晚。 The King and the Dervish A dervish was once sitting alone, meditating in a patch of desert. A ruler passed by. The dervish, being free from the cares of this world, neither lifted his head nor paid any attention. The ruler, with the violent pride of power, was furious and said: "These dervishes in their patched cloaks are no better than animals!" His minister scolded the dervish and said: "The great ruler passed by and you did not stand and bow: why were you so rude?" The dervish replied: “Tell your king to expect those people to bow who hope for some reward from him. Tell him that rulers are there to protect their people. The people were not created just to o- bey rulers. The ruler is the watchman of the poor, though he has greater wealth and power. When the irresistible decrees of Fate are issued, neither king nor slaves remain. Open up the tomb and search these dusty bones : can you tell which was the rich man or which was the pauper?” The ruler was struck by the words of the dervish. He said, The dervish replied, “I would ask you to never disturb me again. ” The king begged, “Give me a word of advice!" The dervish replied, "Now that wealth is in your hands, realize that this wealth and this power pass easily from hand to hand before it is too late." |