有一次,一个神射手去森林里打猎,遇到了一只沙锥鸟。 "亲爱的朋友,不要射杀我的小孩呀!"沙锥鸟说。 我怎么能分清哪些是你的小孩呀?”神射手问,"他们长得什么样子?” "噢!我的孩子都是森林里最漂売的孩子。”沙维鸟说。 神射手说:“好吧。我不会向他们射箭的,不要害怕。” 尽管说好了,可是神射手回来时,手里的细绳上还是满满地串着射死的小沙锥鸟。 “噢!噢!”沙锥鸟说,"你怎么还是射杀了我的孩子呀?” "什么,这些是你的孩子?’’神射手说,"嗨,我是专门找最难看的射的呀,我真是这样做 " “我好伤心啊!”沙锥鸟说,"你难道不知道谁都觉得自己的小孩最好吗?” Everyone Thinks His Children Are the Best A marksman went out once into the woods to shoot, and he met a snipe. “Dear friend," said the snipe," don’t shoot my children!" “How shall I know your children?" asked the marksman, "What are they like7" “Oh!” said the snipe, " Mine are the most beautiful children in all the woods." “Very well," said the marksman, "I’ll not shoot them. Don't be afraid." But for all that, when he came back, he had a whole string of young snipes in his hand which he had shot. “Oh! Oh!" said the snipe, "Why did you shoot my children after all?" "What, these your children!" said the marksmen. “Why, I shot the ugliest I could find, that I did!” “Woe is me!" said the snipe, "Don’t you know that everyone thinks his children are best?” |