一个醉汉摇摇晃晃地出了酒吧,走进了酒吧后面的墓地里。他走到一个刚挖的墓穴边上,一下子失去了平衡,掉了进去。 墓穴里有一摊水,所以整个晚上他都在喊救救我!我好冷啊!谁来救救我!我好冷!” 酒吧打烊的时候,另一个醉汉从酒吧后面走时听见了声音。 他来到打开着的墓穴边,向下看了一下,说你当然冷了,你个笨蛋!你把身上的土都给踢掉了!" Freezing Cold A drunk stumbles out of a bar and he makes his way into the cemetery behind the tavern. He walks right to the edge of a freshly dug grave, loses his balance and falls in. There’s a puddle of water in the hole, and he spends the rest of the night yelling, "Help me! I'm cold! Someone help me! I’m cold!” At closing time, another drunk walks behind the bar and hears the noise. He gets to the open grave, looks down and says, "Of course you’re cold, you idiot! You kicked all the dirt off yourself' ” |