中英文小故事:以其人之道还治其人之身 伏尔泰有一个随身佣人,但这个人很懒。 一天,伏尔泰对他说:“快把我的鞋子拿来。” 仆人很快把鞋子拿来了。 伏尔泰一看惊呆了:鞋上布满了尘土。 他问:“你怎么忘了把它擦亮?” “用不着,先生,”仆人平静地答道,“路上尽是灰尘,两小时后,您的鞋子不是又和现在一样脏了吗?” 伏尔泰微笑着穿上鞋,没有吭声,走出门去:> 佣人在他身后跑步追上来:“先生,先别走!钥匙呢?” “钥匙?” “对,厨房的钥匙。我还要吃午饭呢。” “我的朋友,吃什么午饭呀丨两小时后,你不也和现在一样吗?”伏尔泰说。 Serve the Valet with the Same Sauce Voltaire had a valet, who was so lazy. One day Voltaire said to him, “Bring my shoes here quickly." The valet brought his shoes very quickly. Startled, Voltaire saw the shoes were covered with dust. He asked, "Why did you forget polishing them?” “No need, sir,” the valet answered calmly, “The road is full of dust, so two hours later aren’t your shoes as dirty as now?,, Voltaire wore the shoes with a smile and went out of the door without a word. The servant ran behind to catch up with him, “Sir, don’t go yet! Where is the key?” “Key?” “Yes. The key to the kitchen. I need to have lunch.” “My friend, no need to have lunch! Aren’t you the same with now after two hours?” Voltaire said. valet 贴身男仆 polish 擦亮,磨光 |