保罗是一个年轻富有的小伙子,父亲去世时,给他留下了一笔终生享用不尽的财富——一座美丽的森林庄园。但不幸的是,还没等这片森林被置换成金钱,一场由雷电引发的大火便无情地摧毁了它。看着郁郁葱葱的树木一夜之间都变成了黑乎乎的焦炭,保罗伤心欲绝。 为了让森林庄园恢复到最初的美丽模样,保罗向银行申请了巨额贷款,但银行却以他不能提交任何担保拒绝了他。郁闷透顶的保罗茶饭不思,躲进自己的房间里,一连几天都不肯出门。妻子怕他闷出病来,就劝他出去散散心、。 保罗来到大街上,刚拐过大街的第一个弯,他的眼睛便被一家人山人海的商店吸引住了。原来这些家庭主妇们正在排队购买用于烤肉和冬季取暖用的木炭。 保罗的眼睛猛地一亮,他立刻跑回家,雇了几个手脚麻利的炭工,让他们把庄园里烧焦的树木加工成优质木炭。这一大批上好的木炭刚一上市,便受到了市民们的热烈欢迎。没过多久,千余箱木炭便被抢购一空。第二年春天,他用这笔钱购进了大量树苗。又过了几年,人人都以为消失的森林庄园再次焕发生机。 天无绝人之路,即便上帝关闭了所有的门,也会给你留下一扇打开的窗。 Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining Paul was a wealthy young man. When his father died, he left Paul a lifelong endless wealth—a beautiful forest manor. But unfortunately, before the forest was replaced by money, a fire caused by thunderbolt had destroyed it mercilessly '. Watching the luxuriantly green trees turned into black coke overnight, Paul was heartbroken. In order to restore the forest manor to its original beauty, Paul applied to the bank for a huge loan, but the bank refused him, for he could not submit any guarantee. Extremely gloomy, Paul neither ate nor drank, hid in his room and would not go out for a few days. His wife was afraid he would be sick and persuaded him to relax outside. Paul came to the street. When he just turned the first corner, his eyes were attracted by a store with a huge crowd. It turned out that the housewives were lining up to buy charcoal used for barbecue and winter heating. Paul’s eyes suddenly lit up, so he immediately ran home, employed some deft charcoal workers to process the burnt trees of the manor into high-quality charcoal. As soon as a large quantity of good charcoal came into the market, it was warmly welcomed by the town’s people. Pretty soon, more than 1,000 boxes of charcoal was snapped up. In the spring of the second year, he used the money to purchase a large number of seedlings'. After a few years, the forest manor everyone thought had disappeared came to life again. Every cloud has a silver lining. Even if God closes all the doors, it will also leave you a window. manor 庄园;领地 mercilessly 无慈悲地;残忍地 guarantee 担保;抵押品 barbecue 烤肉;烧烤野餐 deft 灵巧的;熟练的 snap up 抢购 seedling 树苗;幼苗 |