从前有一位农夫,他有一块农田。因为农田十分贫瘠,他每年的收成都不是很好,所以他经常抱怨:“如果上帝让我来掌控天气,一切事情都将会变得更好,因为我是农夫,我比上帝更懂得怎么种庄稼,更懂得庄稼需要什么样的天气。” 他的这些话刚好被路过此地的上帝听到了,于是上帝便对他说道:“从现在开始,我把一年的时间送给你,由你来指挥风雨雷电,最后看看你的庄稼会长成什么样吧。” 农夫一听大喜,马上试探着喊道:“晴天。”顿时云开雾散。他欣喜不已,又喊道:“下雨。”空中立刻阴云四起,不一会儿,瓢泼大雨就下来了。 就这样,在接下来的一年中,他的命令总是在晴天和下雨之间转换着。 眼看着种子越长越大,长成庄稼,农夫心里得意极了。然后,他看到了从来不曾见过的大叶子,还有令人难以置信的碧绿色。最后,收获的季节到了。 背上筐子,带上镰刀,农夫去地里收割他的庄稼.但他的心一下子沉到了谷底,那看上去茁壮无比的庄稼上面居然一粒粮食也没长。 农夫不解,伤心地大哭起来,他的哭声引来了上帝。 “你的农作物怎么样了?”上帝问道。 农夫指着颗粒无收的庄稼,一句话也说不出来。 “你不是如愿以偿地控制了天气吗?”上帝又问道。 “是的。这正是我困惑的地方。我得到了我想要的阳光和雨水,可庄稼居然没有收成。”农夫终于开口说道。 “那是因为你从来没有要求过风、暴雨、冰雪以及任何一种能净化空气和让根更坚硬、更有抵抗力的东西,没有足够发达的根,庄稼当然长不出什么果实。”上帝厉声说道。 此后,虽然风霜雷雨不断,但毕竟庄稼又可以结果了。 Wind, Frost, Thunder and Storm Once upon a time there was a farmer who had a farm. Because the farmland was so poor that his annual harvest was not very good. He often complained, “If God lets me control the weather, everything will get better, for I’m a farmer, who knows better how to grow crops than God, and what kind of weather the crops will need.” His words happened to be heard by God who was just passing by, so he said to him, “From now on, I give one year to you. You will be in command of wind, rain, thunder and lightning, and finally we’ll see what your crops will grow like.” On hearing this, the farmer was delighted and immediately tried shouting, “Sunny.” Suddenly the cloud parted and the fog dispersed. He was pleased and shouted again, “Rain.” The sky was overcast with dark clouds right away, and after a while, the heavy rain poured down. Thus, in the following year, his command always switched between sunny and rainy. Watching the seeds growing larger and larger and becoming crops, the farmers felt much exulted in his heart. Then, he saw the large leaves that he had never seen, and the unbelievable aquamarine. Then, the harvest season came. The farmer carried his basket and sickle to the field to reap his crops, but his heart suddenly sank to the bottom when he found the vigorous-looking crops even hadn’t grown a grain at all. Confused, the farmer burst into tears sadly, which attracted God. “How about your crops?” God asked. The farmer pointed to the infertile crops, without a word. "Don't you have your wish to control the weather?” God asked again. “Yes. This is why l,m confused about. I got the sunshine and rain I wanted, but the crops didn’t have any harvest,” said the farmer finally. “That’s because you never asked for wind, rainstorm, snow and ice and anything that could purify air and harden the roots with more resistance; without enough developed roots, the crops won’t, of course, grow any fruit," God snapped. It turned out that only through the challenges would he have the fruit of life. After he understood this truth, the farmer begged God to take back the weather he controlled. Thereafter, despite constantly with wind, frost, thunder and storm, the crops could bear fruit after all. in command of 指挥;控制 aquamarine 碧绿色 infertile 不结果实的;贫瘠的 snap 厉声说;呵斥 |