Struggling to stick to your diet? Then make sure you stock up on fruit and veg – even if you don’t eat it . 坚持减肥很痛苦?开始储备大量的水果和蔬菜吧——即使你不吃它们。 Scientists have discovered that the sight and smell of healthy food can help dieters stick to their weight-loss goals. 科学家们发现,健康食物的外观和味道能帮助减肥者坚持他们的减肥食谱。 In one test people reduced their chocolate consumption by more than half if they smelt a fresh orange first. 在一项测试中,人们在闻了新鲜橙子的味道后就减少了一大半的巧克力摄入量。 And diners who started with a salad instead of garlic bread went on to eat a smaller main course – because the sight of the lettuce reminded them about their diet. 而那些以一份色拉而不是蒜蓉面包开始晚饭的人则会吃更少的主食。——因为吃剩下的生菜会提醒他们减肥的事儿。 Researcher Nicola Buckland said that when tempted by food, dieters should ‘take a few moments to focus on the sensory properties of healthy food, such as the sight and smell of fruit or salad vegetables’. 研究人员尼古拉-巴克兰表示,当受到食物的诱惑时,减肥者们可以“花点时间关注于获取那些健康食物的感官性状,诸如水果和蔬菜的外观和味道。” She added: ‘Healthy food cues can provide an instant reminder to dieters. Or order a salad as a starter to help reduce intake.’ 她还补充道,“那些关于健康食物的线索会提供减肥者们及时的提醒。选用色拉作为开胃菜也有助于减少食物摄入量。” Miss Buckland also recommended filling our fruit bowls and keeping the fridge well-stocked if we want a bit of extra help sticking to our diet plans. 巴克兰女士同样推荐减肥者们,如果对坚持减肥食谱需要一点额外的帮助,可以把水果碗加满,同时保持冰箱储备充足。 Even when away from home, dieters can prompt resistance to temptation with a piece of fruit or baby carrots. Or when eating out 'order a salad as a starter to help reduce intake', said Miss Buckland. 即使在远离家的地方,减肥者们也可以通过一小片水果或小胡萝卜来增加对食物诱惑的抵抗力。 The study also found the effects of healthy food to improve dieters' self-control may be most beneficial when hungry. 这项研究还发现,健康食物所带来的增加减肥者自控力的效用在饥饿时是最有效的。