你早该小心一点的。 You should have been more careful. 在美国,发生交通事故时,如果是肇事者,必须负责赔偿损失,有的甚至终其一生都赔不完。所以,开车时,千万要很小心。万一,真的发生了车祸,不要马上就说对不起。”因为,只要说就表示承认自己错了,这样就得负起所有的责任。所以,无论如何也要据理力争。 You should have known better.你应该知道的。 He should have been here by now.他现在应该到了才对。 Use your head next time!下次多用点脑筋! Above all things, be careful!最重要的是,要小心! Have a nice trip? see you next fall.祝你旅途愉快,明年秋天见 trip和fall皆为双关语。 实况会话 中国人:Oh my God! You should have been more careful.Weren’t you looking ahead? 噢,我的天!你早该小心一点的,你没看前面吗? 外国人:Well, you shouldn’t have stopped so suddenly, young lady. 哦,你不该突然煞住车子,小姐! 中国人:I think you were following too close. You’ll have to pay for the repairs to my car. Let’s call the police. 我觉得你开得太靠近了。你得付我的汽车修理费。我 们叫警察来。 注:repair 修补;修理 You should have.是用在对已经发生的事所表示的惋惜和遗憾。You should have told me that 'beforehand.(你应该事先告诉我的。)” |