视频介绍一会儿麻姑也到了,蔡经全家都见了她。她是个好姑娘,年纪十八九岁左右,在头顶上梳个发髻,其余的头发下垂到腰部。她的衣服有彩色的花纹,并不是锦绣,却光彩照眼,没法用语言来形容。她进来拜见王方平,王方平随即起立。坐下来之后,麻姑招呼送上随身带来的食物,全是金盘玉杯,菜饭大多是各种花果,香气散布室内室外。然后又给大家斟酒,分果干。果干很象柏实,说是麒麟的肉。麻姑自己说道:从上次接见以来,已经看到东海三次变为桑田了。刚才到蓬莱仙岛,见海水又比过去浅了。计算时间才大约一半呀,难道东海还会再度变为丘陵和陆地吗?王方平笑着说:圣人都说,大海还要干涸,扬起尘土哩。 Seas changing into mulberry fields and mulberry fields changing into seas A celestial being named Wang Yuan with another name called Fang Ping, descended to the earth and visited Cai Jings place. Ma Gu arrived after a while, and Cai Jing and his whole family turned out to welcome her. Ma Gu was an eighteen-or-nineteen-year-old beautiful girl. She wore a bun, with the rest of her hair hanging down to waistline. She was in beautifully designed attire with decorative patterns brilliant beyond description, yet which were not made of brocade. She came in and paid respect to Fang Ping, who stood up in his turn. After both were seated, Ma Gu told those with her to serve the food she had brought over, which were flowers and fruits of every kind contained in gold plates and jade cups. One could smell the good smell all over the place and outside. Ma Gu then poured wine into everyones glass and shared the fruit preserves with them. There were some preserve which tasted like cypress fruit, which was the meat of kylin, she said. Ma Gu said herself that she had experienced three transformation of the East Sea, which changed into mulberry fields and changed back into sea again. When she went by Peng Lai just now, she saw that the sea was much drier again and only half of the time had passed. Shall we see the East Sea change into hills and land again? Fang Ping smiled and said, saints had predicted that the sea will become completely dried and dust will be raised. 沧海桑田的英文意译: 1.Seas change into mulberry fields and mulberry fields into seas. 2.Time brings great changes to the world. 中英文例句: 1、Time brings a great change to the worlds. 沧海桑田。 2. The future always brings change. But at Goldstar our formula for customer satisfaction remains consistent. 沧海桑田,世事多变;但对金星公司来说,使顾客满意的宗旨将始终不渝。 3. Arowana could be traced back to the Dinosaur period, and they survived from various disasters. 它是与恐龙同一时代、尽沧海桑田、过各种劫难而侥幸生存下来的动物。 |