视频介绍有一天,孟尝君的朋友介绍一个叫做冯谖(音:宣)的人到孟尝君家,孟尝君问他的朋友:“这个叫冯谖的人有什么专长呀?”朋友想了很久说:“好像没什么专长耶!”孟尝君听了之后,就不怎么理会冯谖,家里的佣人看到孟尝君不理冯谖,以为主人瞧不起冯谖,通通把冯谖当下等的客人招待。 冯谖心里很不高兴,天天发牢骚:“既然大家都瞧不起我,我干脆离开算了!”孟尝君知道以后,就把冯谖由下等的客人升为上等的客人,还送给冯谖的母亲吃的和用的东西,冯谖心想:“孟尝君对我这么好,我一定要找机会报答他!” 有一次,孟尝君派冯谖到薛地去讨债,冯谖就假装是孟尝君下的命令,叫所有欠孟尝君钱的人不用还钱,替孟尝君买了个“义”的好名声!而孟尝君却不知是为其好,并怪罪冯谖。 后来孟尝君被齐王国君解除了相国的官位,回到薛地去住的时候,薛地的人民都热烈地欢迎孟尝君。人们带着老人,甚至连孩子也抱了出来,出城百里相迎。孟尝君笑道:“先生给我买的‘义’,我今天看到了!” “扶老携幼”一成语便出于此。 扶老携幼英文意译: help the aged and (lead) the young; bringing along the old and the young; carry the babes and support the old folk; help the elderly people and children; help the old and guide the young; holding the old by the arm and the young by the hand; 中英文例句: 1、People young and old; smiling tooting and waving madly from their passing cars. 人们扶老携幼,面带微笑,在经过的车辆疯狂挥舞着。 2、During the festival , many local residents young and old visited the initiates exhibit 灯展期间,许多乡亲扶老携幼,驻足世界会的展场参观 3、Since the event fell on a weekend , many fellow practitioners earnestly participated , some coming with elderly and young members of their families to help clear garbage 适逢周末,伙伴们踊跃叁与,有的甚至扶老携幼前来捡拾垃圾。 |