视频介绍【典故】六欲诸天来供养,天华(花)乱坠遍虚空。 《心地观经·序品》 【释义】传说梁武帝时有个和尚讲经,感动了上天,天上纷纷落下花来。形容说话有声有色,极其动听(多指夸张而不符合实际)。 英文意译: Flowers fall from the sky. to make a very wild boast about something as if it were raining flowers 中英文例句: 1. They have lauded "detente" "peace" and'security" to the skies. 他们把“缓和”、“和平”、“安全”吹得天花乱坠。 2. John gave her a snow job on what he was doing. 在她面前,约翰把他从事的工作吹得天花乱坠。 3. He's the crow about his online profile, adopts a bad-boy persona and flirts like hell. 她的男性意向是个讨人喜欢的男人,爱在网上把自己吹得天花乱坠,并长了一副坏男孩的外貌。此外,他总喜欢跟人打情骂俏。 4.You can bleat about the girl to your heart’s content, for that’s your own affair 你可以随心所欲地把那姑娘说得天花乱坠,那是你自己的事。 |