Pedestrians who cross the road when the light is at red now risk the embarrassment of having their pictures displayed publicly on a screen. 闯红灯的行人如今面临照片被大屏幕当众“秒晒”的风险。 “闯红灯”英文表达是cross the road when the light is at red,闯红灯者也被称为jaywalker。中国人因为太爱闯红灯,以至于衍生出了Chinese style of crossing the road(中国式过马路)这一说法,中国式过马路就是large crowds of people surging forward when the red light is on(大群人在红灯亮的时候一起乱穿马路)。 这个大屏幕就安在crossing(十字路口)旁边,当传感器感知到有人在红灯时踏上人行横道,就会发出警示声,如果行人不顾劝阻执意“闯红”,设备就会开始录像并抓拍。 |