Your Goals 你的目标
Motivated to write out your list of goal for the next month or 3 months? That is awesome. Just a few works of caution. Don’t write down too many. Often people write down over ten goals. The brain can only remember so much and the reality is you won’t get to them all. I suggest you look at your goals with the mindset of single digits. No more than ten, but ideally less than five. Keep the list focused and realistic. 你斗志昂扬,要列出下个月甚至后3个月的目标清单?这确实很不错,但还是要提醒你几句。目标不要列太多。一般人们会定下10个以上的目标。大脑只能记住这么多目标,但现实是你不可能实现所有目标。建议你还是将目标控制在个位数以内,不要超过10个,最好少于5个。让目标专一并且容易实现。 |