大脑衰老和皮肤衰老哪个更恐怖?我觉得是大脑衰老,想想你爱的人、爱你的人你都不认识了多悲催呀。别怕,科学研究表明学外语能抗大脑衰老—— New research published in Annals of Neurology reveals that people who speak two or more languages -- even those who learned the second language as adults -- may slow down cognitive decline from aging。 《神经学年鉴》发布的一项新研究表明,会说2种或多种语言可能会减缓认知能力衰退、防止老化,包括成年后才学会第二语言的人。 For the study, researchers relied on data from 835 native speakers of English who were born and living in the area of Edinburgh, Scotland. The participants were given an intelligence test in 1947 at age 11 and then again in their early 70s, between 2008 and 2010. 研究人员依据835位参与者的数据进行研究,这些参与者的母语都是英语、出生或居住在苏格兰的爱丁堡。1947年,这些参与者11岁的时候参加了一次智力测试,然后到了2008年至2010年间,这些70出头的参与者又参加了一次智力测试。 Findings indicate that those who spoke two or more languages had significantly better cognitive abilities compared to what would be expected from their baseline. The strongest effects were seen in general intelligence and reading. The effects were evident no matter when the second language was learned。 研究结果表明,会说2种或多种语言的人大脑认知能力明显高过平均线,特别是一般智力和阅读能力。而且这一现象与何时学会第二语言无关。 Another study of bilingualism in 2013 found that bilingual patients suffer dementia onset an average of 4.5 years later than those who speak only one language。
2013年的另一项关于双语的研究还发现,在患上老年痴呆症的人群中,说双语的人的发病时间比只说一种语言的人平均晚4年半。 但是,成年人并不是唯一能从第二外语中受益的人。2012年的一项研究发现,在青少年中,会说多种语言的孩子的某些大脑功能更强。会双语的孩子往往比只会一种语言的孩子更擅长多任务,即使在嘈杂的环境中也更能集中精力。 |