足迹step[英][step] [美][stɛp] 中英文故事:生命法则(7) 啊,还说那头驼鹿吧。那天,青哈和他一起出去玩。在小溪的河床上,他们发现了一头个大体重的驼鹿留下的新足迹。"一头老家伙,”青哈说,“它跟不上同伴,掉了队。狼把它从鹿群中隔开了,它们不会放过它的。” 事实的确如此。夜以继日,狼群不停地咬它的鼻子,咬它的四蹄,就这样死死地缠着它,一直把它咬死。他和青哈都感到血液在体内沸腾!最后的场面一定值得目睹。 他们跟随驼鹿和狼群的足迹。每一步都是一个不同的故事。他们看着悲剧一步步上演:这里是驼鹿停下脚步进行搏斗的地方,雪地上踩出了许多脚印。一只狼被强有力的鹿蹄踢死。然后,他们又看到这头驼鹿挣扎着逃向山坡。狼群却从后面发动了进攻。驼鹿倒下了,压死了两只狼。可是,很明显,它的死期到了。 Ah, but the moose. Zing-ha and he had gone out to play that day. Down by the river they saw fresh steps of a big, heavy moose. “He's an old one,” Zing-ha had said. “He cannot run like the others. He has fallen behind. The wolves have separated him from the others. They will never leave him.,’ And so it was. By day and night, never stopping, biting at his nose, biting at his feet, the wolves stayed with him until the end. Zing-ha and he had felt the blood quicken in their bodies. The end would be a sight to see. They had followed the steps of the moose and the wolves. Each step told a different story. They could see the tragedy as it happened: here was the place the moose stopped to fight. The snow was packed down for many feet. One wolf had been caught by the heavy feet of the moose and kicked to death. Further on, they saw how the moose had struggled to escape up a hill. But the wolves had attacked from behind. The moose had fallen down and crushed two wolves. Yet, it was clear the end was near. 中英文例句 1. That would be small step towards better hospitals. 这也许只是向更好的医院迈出的一小步。 2. That is a small first step on a long journey. 这是漫漫长途中开始迈出的一小步。 3. This is the most important step! 这是最重要的步骤! 4. Take one small step forward towards something positive. 为一些积极的事情,迈出一小步。 5. But this is necessary step to heal. 但是这是个痊愈必要步骤。 |