拜托please[英][pli:z] [美][pliz] 中英文故事:它来了,又走了(8) "它来了,又走了。”为那两个家伙,我继续说着。“他肯定是神经出问题了。”只听见萨蒂斯爷爷说他姑姑:“维奥拉也是因为神经病死的,结婚前她一直数买来的东西,为婚礼买的东西。”"它来了,又走了。”我不理眯他们,心里骂他是个老糊涂。此刻,没人议论了,周围一片寂静,钟摆的声音越发显得清晰。58分钟已经成为历史,再过两分钟,那100块钱就到手了。这时我已经口干舌燥,嗓音也变得微弱。我听见门又开了,一个女人的哭声涌入耳中,是我的老婆莎拉。"噢,拜托,拜托!”我祈祷着上帝啊!别让她过来,我可不会朝自己老婆扔东西,哪怕是个小小的碟子。” 10秒、3秒、2秒、1秒。 “Here it comes, there it goes,” I kept saying for the two strangers. “It must be a weakness in the brain,” I heard grandpa Sadecer say. “His aunt Viola died the same way, she counted features, features for her wedding day.” “Here it comes, there it goes,” I said, thinking that grandpa was a foolish old man. Nobody spoke, it was so quiet, the sound of the clock seemed loud. 58 minutes gone, only two minutes and 100 dollars would be mine. My voice was getting weak and my mouth was dry. Then, again,I heard the door open, and a crying of a woman filled my ears, it was my wife Sarah.”Oh, please, please!" I prayed,“do not let her come near me, I could not throw any-thing at my wife, not even one small dish. ” Ten seconds, three, two, one. 中英文例句 1. This will please the fair-value partisans. 这将取那些悦公允价值的铁杆拥护者。 2. It's like living in a sweetshop and being allowed to eat all the mars bars whenever you please. 这就好像是住在糖果店里,而且可以随时吃各种火星巧克力棒一样,只要你愿意。 3. Please share your strategies below. 请分享你们的策略。 4. The summit also laid bare nato's need to please three different audiences. 此次峰会还暴露了北约讨好3位不同观众的需要。 5. That is a mightily confused and difficult set of constituents to please. 组会就是一个极其复杂又麻烦的活,吃力还不讨好。 |