打击暴恐活动相关词汇 Beijing police patrol the northern part of the capital starting at 9:30 pm on Thursday night, with the aim of improving anti-terror preparedness. [Photo/icpress.cn] 武装巡逻车 armored patrol vehicles 打击恐怖分子、群体性暴力事件以及持枪犯罪 to crack down on terrorists, mass violence and gun crimes 反恐人民战争 people’s war against terrorism 反恐演练 anti-terror drill 反恐安全网 anti-terrorist security network 严厉打击暴力恐怖活动和宗教极端分子 the fight against violent terror attacks and religious extremist forces 保持对“三股势力”(分裂主义,极端主义,恐怖主义)严打高压态势 Strike hard and maintain high pressure on the three forces (of separatism, extremism and terrorism) 有效遏制恐怖活动向内地蔓延 effectively contain the expansion of terrorist activity into the heartland 深入推进“去极端化”工作,深入揭批“三股势力”的反动本质 promote the eradication of extremism, further expose and criticize the 'reactionary nature' of the 'three forces ' 强化学校抵御宗教极端思想渗透工作
enhance schools' capacity to resist ideological infiltration by religious extremism resolutely win the ideological battle against separation and infiltration 反分裂斗争是长期的、复杂的、尖锐的,有时甚至是十分激烈的 the struggle against separatism will be long-term, complicated and acute and sometimes could become very intense |