毯子blanket[英]['blæŋkɪt] [美][ˈblæŋkɪt] 中英文故事:想念圣诞节(7) 我们穿上节日装出发了。到那里时,正赶上一辆狗拉的雪橇。那雪橇停了下来,蒂姆的老板杰瑞冲我们招招手。"坐上雪橇到育空河兜一圈,”他说,“上来吧。” 我和蒂姆钻进雪橇的鸭绒毯子下。蒂姆刚抱住我,雪橇就猛地向前冲去。几只狗轻快地跑着,雪橇在厚厚的积雪上飞快地向前滑行,发出沙沙的声音。杰瑞不时吆喝狗儿们“向左拐”、"向右拐”。没几分钟雪橇就到了河面上,我们就像在漂流一样,周围不时有冰雕闪过。这些冰雕是因为河水涌动在冰面上形成突起之后经风蚀形成的。在一轮圆月的辉映下,这些大自然的杰作闪闪发光。我把头靠在蒂姆胸前,尽情欣赏着这份美景。这趟雪橇之旅既紧张又刺激,我们回到原地时,我已经兴奋得上气不接下气了。 We dressed in our Christmas best and arrived at the house just in time to see a dog sled scrape to a stop. Tim’s boss, Jerry, waved us over. “The Yukon version of a sleigh ride,” he said, “up in. ” Tim and I crawled under the down blanket and I let him wrap his arms around me as the sled jerked forward. The dogs trotted easily and the sled slid with a sighing ssshhh over the snow-packed ground. Jerry gee-ed and haw-ed and within minutes we were on the river. It seemed like we were floating now, whooshing around ice sculptures heaved up by the force of water and carved by wind. I rested my head on Tim’s chest and watched the reflection of a full moon glint on nature's statuary. By the time we got back to the house I was breathless with the thrill of it. 中英文例句 1. She was wrapped in a white blanket with blue stripes. 她被有蓝色条纹的白色毯子包裹着。 2. Creative adam and eve inspired blanket cover for your bed. 受亚当和夏娃所启发的创意毛毯床罩。 3. Just like they would send your baby blanket back to you. 就像他们会把你的婴儿毯寄回来一样。 4. In exchange, she received a blanket. 作为回报,她收到了一条毯子。 5. She clutches the blanket to her. 她将毯子紧紧抓向她。 |