座位seat[英][si:t] [美][sit] 中英文故事:免费寻得梦中情人(2) 你的第一步是加入一个政党,或者两大政党都加入。这会增加成功的几率。你应该经常参加筹款宴会,发挥拉帮结派的本领。这些活动会使个人事业突飞猛进,因为在为政党出力的同时,大家全在互相帮忙。这些钻营功名之士会向你伸出援助之手。很快你就会穿梭于各种交际场合,真正结识大法官、杰出人物和其他那些值得结交的人。 结识了一些人物、记住了几个可以四处卖弄的名字之后,你就可以拿起宣传册,奔赴人多的地方了。可到商场去散发,也可以随走随发。你向人们走近时,他们会乐于与你交谈,倾听你的看法,只有选举的时候他们才怒火冲天,一心要将你扫地出门。看到一见倾心的异性就应上前搭讪,询问她们的事业和嗜好。要是她们应邀参加聚会,愿意结识和你一样热心肠、志同道合的人,那你就应当主动献殷勤。接下来在筹款晚宴上,主动给她们找座位。 After you have made acquaintances and picked up a few names to throw around, get your brochures and head to well- populated areas. Pass out these brochures at the local mall or wherever you go. The people you are approaching will be recep¬tive to you and your comments. Voters are angry and determined to clean house. If you see a person of the opposite sex you are attracted to,you want to be social and ask them about their ca¬reer and interests. Then you want to offer a way to assist them if they attend and meet the helpful like-minded individuals of your party. Offer them a seat at the next fund-raising dinner. 中英文例句 1. The i3 is designed as a commuter car and features carriage doors that maximize access to the rear seat. 宝马i3是作为城市通勤车来设计的,而且它的车门设计最大化地方便了用户进出后排座位。 2. Don't freak out about finding a seat in the lounge next to an outlet 如果在休息室找到一个靠近插座的座位,不要太激动 3. -Numerous primary and congressional seat victories. —在初选和众议员席位方面取得了众多胜利 4. The first seat I filled was with my wife, joanne. 第一个座位给了我妻子乔安娜。 5. Frightened, she shrank down into her seat. 她害怕地在座椅上缩成一团。 |