回答replied[英][rɪ'plaɪd] [美][rɪ'plaɪd] 中英文故事:一件特别的舞裙(8) 千真万确,艾米莉想。悲伤和快乐两种情绪这一周在她内心展开拉锯战,互不相让。悲伤还没有像艾米莉预想的那样完全消失,但它的存在也并不让人大伤脑筋。它只是在那儿存在着。安妮大妈的离开给她们的生活留下了一道缺口,她们并没有忘记这个缺口,而是一直在努力填补着。这个缺口可能永远都不会消失,但现在每一个人都可以平静下来,以平和的心态迎接新的生活了。 "稍等片刻,”她回答说,“我这就去拿鱼线!” It was true, Em thought. Grief and joy had been the seesawing emotions of the week. The grief wasn’t finally put to bed, as she had imagined it would be, yet nor was it a cloying presence. It just was. They had moved forward to fill but not forget the gap in their lives that was Mama Annie. It would never be over but everyone could rest and live in peace now. “Hang on a second,” she replied, “I’ll just go and grab a line. ” 中英文例句 1. Mccain replied that obama was engaging in scare tactics. 麦凯恩回答说,奥巴马在使用恐吓战术。 2. I replied that the only concern was the coffee machine. 我回复他说,咖啡机是唯一的问题。 3. Two countries algeria and sri lanka had not replied. 还有两个国家阿尔及利亚和斯里兰卡尚未答复。 4. He replied with a smile. 上帝微笑的回答我。 5. They mainly replied that no, they would not. 他们大部分都回答说不,他们不希望这样。 |