兔子rabbit[英]['ræbɪt] [美][ˈræbɪt] 中英文故事:爱心天使(4) “无论是什么,放了它!”她此刻正忙,没工夫咬手指甲嘲讽弟弟。 她小心翼翼地把蜥蜴的后趾从躯干上分离开来。这可是一件精细活儿,解下的蛛丝越多,就越难拿住它。 “别动!小傻瓜!"她怎么也捏不住蜥蜴尾巴上剩余的蛛丝。 屋里传来了戴恩的喊声和巴斯特的叫声。她在洗澡间抽屉里找到了一把镊子,一边往椅边走,一边喊住戴恩。 “你在干什么?是不是又捉了一只兔子……” 那正是她弟弟爱干的事情——捉小动物。弟弟从小就像个猎人,这一点像他们的爸爸。 “Let it go, whatever it is. ” If only she didn't bite her fingernails. She carefully sepa¬rates the back legs from the body. It’s tricky—the more of the lizard she unwraps, the harder it is to hold. “Keep still, you stupid thing. ’’ She can't get a grip on the rest of the tail lines. Dane shouts and Buster barks somewhere in the house. She finds tweezers in the bathroom drawer and goes back to her chair. On the way she calls to Dane. “What are you doing? If that’s another rabbit... ” That's what her brother does—catches things. A born hunter like her Dad. 中英文例句 1. The upcoming year of the rabbit could be hairy indeed. 即将到来的兔年可能的确会令人毛骨耸然。 2. The nation resents paying high prices to reclaim looted artworks such as the 1700s rat and rabbit. 中国不满于付出高价收回被掠夺的艺术品,如1700年代的鼠和兔。 3. For aries, the year 2011 of the white metal rabbit will not be boring or useless. 对白羊座来说,白金的兔年,2011年将不会无聊或没有意义。 4. Rabbit people are also admired, trusted, and are often financially lucky. 另外,属兔的人能够赢得他人的赞赏和信任,通常财运不错。 5. I rub my scars the way other people fret a rabbit's foot or burnish a lucky penny. 我抚摸自己疤痕的方式,就像其他烦恼之人抚摸兔脚或幸运便士一样。 |