Latvia is Europe's best kept secret, but all could change now that Riga has been named a European Capital of Culture for 2014. The city also ranked as one ofEurope's cheapest destinations for backpackers this year, with an average cost of just $33/day for food, lodging, transportation and entertainment. Hurry up and peruse Old Riga, ascend St. Peter's tower, and get fancy at the Latvian National Opera. 拉脱维亚是欧洲最隐蔽的旅游区,但在里加被评为2014年欧洲文化之都后一切都变了。今年,这个城市也被列为背包客在欧洲旅游最便宜的目的地之一,日均消费(包含衣食住行玩)仅33美元(约206元人民币)。快来细细品味里加旧城和圣彼得观景塔,领略拉脱维亚国家歌剧院的风采吧。 |