原标题:科学教你如何“快乐厮守到老” How to live happily ever after, according to science “快乐厮守到老”并非易事除非是随口说说,否则“快乐厮守到老”并不容易。 泰·田代(Ty Tashiro)解释说,夫妻在结婚的第一年对婚姻的满意度是86%。而到了第七年,满意度便不超过50%。 的确如此,有半数的夫妻最终都以离婚收场。另有10%—15%的夫妻会采取分居的方式,但却不愿意签署离婚协议。而有7%的夫妻长期过着不幸福的生活。 因此,真实的情况是有三分之二的婚姻都不会“快乐到老”。 根据人口统计局的数据,媒体经常报道的离婚率是50%。但事实上,统计局的数据并没有将分居而始终因未签署正式的协议而合法离婚的10%—15%计算在内。这就意味着,保守来讲,离婚及永久分居率是60%。而额外7%的夫妻既没有离婚,也没有长期分居,而是长期处于不幸福状态。也就是说,有三分之二的夫妻都没有快乐地生活到老。 "Happily ever after" ain't easy Aside from being the epitome of lazy writing, "happily ever after" is not simple. Ty Tashiro explains that couples in their first year of marriages score 86 percent for marriage satisfaction. By the seventh year, it's under 50 percent. Yes, about 50 percent of couples get divorced. Another 10-15 percent separate but do not file paperwork. And 7 more percent are chronically unhappy. So the real stat is two-thirds of marriages do not live "happily ever after." The divorce rate often reported by the media is 50 percent, which is based on Census Bureau data. However, census data does not capture the 10 to 15 percent of couples who permanently separate but do not file formal paperwork for a legal divorce. This means that a conservative estimate of the divorce and permanent separation rate is 60 percent. Add the additional 7 percent of chronically unhappy couples who do not divorce or permanently separate but are consistently unhappy in their marriage, and this means that two-thirds of all married couples do not live happily ever after. |