猫cat[英][kæt] [美][kæt] 中英文故事:约翰和猫(1) 约翰•约翰斯顿站在五楼公寓的厨房里,看着窗外。朝阳正从地平线上冉冉升起。他端着咖啡,喝了一小口,低头看了看在脚边徘徊的猫。 他把杯子放到桌上,把猫抱在怀里,轻轻抚摸着它 的毛。猫儿喵喵地叫着。约翰又看了一眼窗外,让猫也转过去看着窗外。“看看那儿,混凝土、玻璃和钢铁建成的庙宇就像一些山洞里奇形怪状的石笋直指天穹。如果不是事先知道,谁会想到那一片楼林的另一边就是海呢。你可能以为那边是无边无际的荒野,或者那背后就是世界的尽头。" John Johnston stood in the kitchen of his fifth floor apartment looking out the window as the morn¬ing sun tried to slowly raise itself up above the sky¬line. He took a sip from the coffee cup in his hand before looking down at the cat walking around his feet. Placing the coffee on the table, he picked up the cat and cradled it in his arms, softly stroking its fur. The cat purred. John looked out the window a- gain, turning so the cat could look out too. “Look at it out there. Temples of concrete and glass and steel reach up towards the sky like some grotesque stalagmites on the floor of some gaping cave. If you didn’t know already, you’d never guess there was an ocean on the other side of that wall of buildings. For all you know it could be an endless field, or the world could just end behind them. ’’ 中英文例句 1. She set her cat to catch mice. 她让她的猫去捉老鼠。 2. For the cat a new master. 对猫来说是一个新主人。 3. She's a very snooty cat. 它是一只非常傲慢的猫。 4. Some of us are cat people. 我们中的有些人是猫一族。 5. Only 37% own a cat. 仅仅37%的人养猫。 |