扩散spread[英][spred] [美][sprɛd] 中英文对照:生命、宇宙和癌症(1) 我42岁。在《银河系漫游指南》里,道格拉斯•亚当斯说42岁是生命意义这一问题的答案所在。我的答案是癌症。我和乳腺癌患者都觉得假如亚当斯还在人世且能听见我们回答的话,他也许会表示赞同的。 比起乳腺癌患者的平均年龄,我年轻了一些。不过,我不是绝无仅有的低龄患者。每天都有人被诊断出癌症,每天都有人死于癌症。最近的数据表明癌症患者的存活时间有所延长。早发现、早治疗是延长生命的关键。我们中有些人抱病生活却漠然置之,她们发现了肿块却不治疗,希望肿块自行消失。我在治疗期间遇见了这样一个女士,她漠视肿块的存在,现在肿块很大了而且癌细胞已扩散至全身。她为什么不治疗呢?她自己也不知道。 I am 42,which according to Douglas Adams in The Hitch-hikers Guide to the Galaxy is the answer to the question about the meaning of life. In my case the answer is cancer. Breast cancer and I have a feeling that Adams might just approve of such an answer were he still alive to hear it. I am slightly younger than the average age for this encounter, but not uniquely so. Every day someone is diagnosed with cancer. Every day someone dies from it. Recent statistics have us all lasting a lot longer. Early detection is the key to survival, as is treatment. There are still those of us living in denial who, on finding a lump ignore it, hoping it will go away. I met such a lady during treatment. She ignored her lump: now it is huge and the cancer has spread throughout her body. Why did she ignore it? She doesn't know. 中英文例句 1. But since then militancy has spread. 但自那以后好斗情绪蔓延。 2. And the virus might spread globally. 而且这一病毒也许会在全球蔓延。 3. Diasporas also help spread ideas. 移民也帮助了思想的传播。 4. Outrage spread among cantonese internet users. 愤怒情绪在粤语网友中扩散。 5. Rumours about political changes spread. 关于政治变化的谣言四处传播。 |