小皇帝little emperors 中英文对照:繁琐的文化规范(9) 如果帮助他用餐的人年纪比他大,级别没他高,那将会是一个有趣的情形了。如果我们把少女换成是一名50岁的妇女,让他坐在那里接受服侍,这从文化上讲,合适吗?或许吧。但是,如果她年过60,我要说他该局促不安了。 成年人因为儿童弱小而帮助他们。年轻人应该服从老者,因为老者自身的阅历使人信服,也因为中国等其他的亚洲国家深受儒家尊老爱幼思想文化的影响。在中国,情况发生了逆转。独生子女是家里的“小皇帝”,他们容易对父母、祖父母颐指气使、呼来喝去的。这不是传闻,是事实。 What if the person helping him with the food was his senior in age but not in position? That would be an interesting situation. If we transform the teenage girl into a 50-year-old woman, would it be culturally appropriate for him to sit there and be served? Maybe, I guess. But if she was over 60, I would say he would have squirmed in his seat. Adults help children because the latter are small and weak. Youngsters yield to those senior in generation because the latter have earned it and the practice has evolved into a custom here in China and other Asian countries under strong Confucian influence. In China it is being subverted - in actuality if not in name - by the single children who act as "little emperors" and tend to lord it over their parents and grandparents. 中英文例句 1. Little emperor syndrome: the changing face of chinese consumerism. 小皇帝症候群:中国消费主义的改变。 2. Very much spoilt by his parents, the 7-year old boy is, so to speak, a little emperor of the family. 这个7岁的男孩被他的父母宠坏了,可以说是家里的小皇帝。 3. 'Little emperor syndrome' is a pervasive social phenomenon in china attributed to the one-child policy and the abysmal poverty today's parents experienced during the cultural revolution. 在中国,因为独生子女政策和当今父母在文革中极端匮乏的经历,“小皇帝综合症”成了无处不在的社会现象。 4. The high-fat diet and sedentary lifestyle of children in many chinese cities-"the little emperor" one-child generation-may also have some effect on children playing sports generally. 很多中国城市儿童“小皇帝”,独生子女一代高脂肪的饮食和久坐的生活方式或许对他们参与体育活动也有一定的影响。 5. In ambow's ipo prospectus, it stated that the chinese government's one-child policy had "driven strong demand for children's education by fostering the widely known 'little emperor' phenomenon." 安博在招股说明书中表示,中国政府的独生子女政策“促成了众所周知的‘小皇帝’现象,推动了对儿童教育的强劲需求”。 |