亚洲航线Asian airlines 中英文对照:繁琐的文化规范(3) 首先是歧视老年人这一问题。我经常听到有中国乘客抱怨非亚洲航线的飞机乘务员年纪太大了。在中国,飞机乘务员无一例外地年轻、漂亮。但是,日前在西方航线上工作的飞机乘务员大多是中年人。如果一名中国商人多年来一直都乘坐国内航线,当他第一次乘坐美国航空公司的航线、面对那些上了年纪的飞机乘务员,他可能会很吃惊。 从实用主义的角度来看,我不认为中国聘用年轻飞机乘务员的这一惯例会持久。最开始的时候,你可以招募年轻人,但是当这批人全部都40岁的时候,你不能把她们全部都解雇了。她们中的一些人可能会被再安排去做行政,但不是所有人。我仍然很好奇,当所有的这些风华正茂的“女服务员”容颜不再的时候,她们何去何从? The first is ageism. I've often heard Chinese passengers complain about the age of flight attendants on non-Asian airlines. In China, they are invariably young and often good-looking. But most in such service on Western airlines are middle-aged these days. If a Chinese businessman has flown domestically for years and then, for the first time, gets on a US airline, he would be in for a big shock. From a pragmatic point of view, I don't think the Chinese practice is sustainable. You can recruit youngsters when you first start, but you cannot fire all of them when they reach, say, 40. Some of them may be reshuffled to positions in administration, but surely not all of them. I'm still wondering where all those "stewardesses" go when they are no longer in the bloom of youth. 中英文例句 1. Leading the way were several asian airlines, like malaysia-based airasia with 200 orders. 订单排行榜中,亚洲航空公司首当其冲,其中包括总部位于马来西亚的亚航(AirAsia),下单200架。 2. And unlike the west, asian airlines have already been tightening their belts ince the1997to1998financial crisis. 与西方有所不同,亚洲航空公司自1997年至1998年金融危机就开始勒紧裤带过日子。 3. The us and asian countries reacted angrily to plans to force all airlines that land and take off in the eu to pay to pollute. 对于要求所有在欧盟区域内起落的航班支付污染费的计划,美国和亚洲国家反应激烈。 4. Lion air has been among the fastest growing asian airlines and has ordered 178 boeing 737 aircraft. 狮航是发展最快的亚洲航空公司之一,已订购了178架波音737飞机。 5. Mr. fyfe said the challenge is for asian airlines to find ways to compete head-to-head with the discounters while still treating premium customers well. 法伊夫说,亚洲航空公司面临的挑战在于,它们在想办法跟廉价航空公司展开硬碰硬竞争的同时,还必须继续招待好高端客户。 |