太平洋Pacific Ocean 中英文对照:繁琐的文化规范(1) 每种文化都有自身的规范,有些关于性别和年龄的规范是潜在的。当不同文化之间的规范互相抵触时,问题就产生了。 几年前,当我乘坐美国联合航空公司的航班(United Airlines)飞越太平洋的时候,我身处文化碰撞的典型场景。这一点都不夸张,一切都静静地发生了,以契诃夫式的讽刺展现出来。 飞机飞行到一定的高度,乘务员开始提供饮料和餐食。给我提供服务的是一名年长的女士,我估计她的年龄在65岁以上,但我也可能估计错了。 Every culture has rules - some implicit - about the roles of gender and age. When they collide, predicaments arise. A few years ago when I was traveling across the Pacific Ocean on a United Airlines flight, I was thrown into the perfect storm of cultural collisions. It was nothing melodramatic, but rather, quiet and imperturbable in a Chekhovian kind of way. As the aircraft reached a certain height, flight attendants started to serve drinks and then the meal. The one who came my way was an elderly lady. I would say she was past the age of 65, but I could be wrong. 中英文例句 1. A coral seen off jarvis island in the pacific ocean. 太平洋中查维斯岛(jarvis island)附近的一处珊瑚。 2. The pacific ocean is the largest of all. 太平洋是最大的海洋。 3. A near-annual pacific ocean basin mode. 一个接近全年的太平洋海域模型。 4. Spanning or crossing the pacific ocean. 越过洋的越过或横渡太平洋的。 5. A necklace sea star nestles among the c-shaped emerald tentacles of anchor coral in the western pacific ocean. 这是来自太平洋西部的一只项链海星,它正舒适的休息在铁锚珊瑚的c字状的翡翠色触须上。 |