据英国媒体4月22日报道,朝鲜中央电视台21日实况转播庆祝朝鲜空军音乐会,舞台背景很罕见地出现了金正恩童年和少年时期的照片。 画面显示,童年金正恩身着军装,头戴军帽的照片,其中一幅图片显示他正在敬礼。还有照片显示了他在少年时期手握飞机操纵杆的形象。 在此之前,仅有几张金正恩幼年照片被公开,其中一张是与其母高英姬(Ko Yong-hui)的合影,另一张则看似证件照。 而金正恩学生时期的照片仅有一张公开,照片中他与瑞士伯尔尼国际学校的同学们一起出游。 据了解,金正恩上学期间一直未向老师和同学公开真实身份。1998年入学时,瑞士官方仅被告知他是朝鲜使馆某雇员之子。 据朋友介绍,金正恩“痴迷于”篮球,看上去对政治“毫无兴趣”。 目前韩国警告称由于奥巴马即将访问韩国,为制造紧张局势,朝鲜或正为第四次核试验做准备。 韩国国防部新闻发言人表示,“根据我军监测,目前朝鲜核试验基地丰溪里附近活动频繁。” Rare new photographs of Kim Jong-un as a young boy have emerged during a concert for the North Korean air force. Pictures showing the 31-year-old North Koreanleader as a chubby toddler, saluting while in uniform, were shown on KCTV, the country's state broadcaster. Other photographs showed him first as a young boy, then as a rotund teenager, at the controls of an aeroplane. Until now, only a handful of pictures of Kim as a young boy have been seen, one showing him with his mother, Ko Yong-hui, and one a seeming passport picture, in which he has a bowl haircut. Only one photograph is known to exist from his days as a student, which shows him on what appears to be a school trip with fellow pupils at the International School of Berne, in Switzerland. Kim kept his identity secret from students and teachers. Using name of Pak Un, Swiss authorities were told that Kim was the son of an employee at North Korea’s embassy when he enrolled in August 1998. Friends have said he was “obsessed” with basketball and showed “absolutely no interest” in politics. As the photographs emerged, South Korea warned that the North could be planning a fourth nuclear test to ramp up tensions ahead of President Obama's upcoming visit to Seoul. "Our military is currently detecting a lot of activity in and around the Punggye-ri nuclear test site," said Kim Min-seok, a spokesman for the Defence ministry. |