王妃princess[英][ˌprɪnˈses] [美][ˈprɪnsɪs, -ˌsɛs, prɪnˈsɛs] 中英文对照:英皇室新西兰之旅(9) “他很有效率,可以说很专业,”斯坦说,“凯特可能要赶快学习,不能和每个人都说话!” 67岁的多萝西•库克森举着印有公爵夫妇盾徽的横幅。她说:“公爵夫人问我从哪里来,我说我们早上7点就出发了,开了2个小时的车。不过非常荣幸见到她,这是布莱尼姆镇的骄傲。” 与1983年威尔士亲王夫妇访问澳大利亚时的情况相同,站在布莱尼姆广场另一头的民众见到了公爵,但明显对于未见到公爵夫人表示失望。 “凯特王妃!”,有人这样叫道以吸引她的注意,她一转身便引来欢呼,人们纷纷向她挥手致意。 “He is very efficient, you can tell he’s a pro,” Mrs Stein said. “Kate might learn quickly that she can’t talk to everyone!” Dorothy Cookson, 67, was holding a banner featuring the Duke and Duchess's coat of arms. She said: "The Duchess asked where I had come from and I said we left at 7am for a two-hour drive. It's a real privilege for us to see her, and it's great for the town." In an echo of what happened when the Prince and Princess of Wales visited Australasia in 1983, crowds standing on the side of Blenheim's town square that was worked by the Duke were clearly disappointed that they had not met the Duchess. Some shouted "Princess Kate!" to attract her attention and cheered when she turned around and waved. 中英文例句 1. Knowing this then helps us understand the surprising results from the princess alice experiment. 知道这个于是帮助我们理解爱丽丝公主实验中让人诧异的结果。 2. Sometimes a princess is just a princess and should be taken as such. 有时候,公主就只是个公主,不该太当回事。 3. She was britain's people's princess, more than 30 years his junior. 她,则是英国人民的公主,比他年轻30多岁。 4. The queen with prince charles and princess anne at balmoral castle in scotland, 1952. 1952年,苏格兰巴尔莫拉城堡,女王带着查尔斯王子和安妮公主玩。 5. Princess mathilde married prince philippe of belgium in 1999, wearing a gown designed by edouard vermeulen for the house of natan. 比利时的mathilde王妃和philippe王子于1999年结婚,mathilde穿了一件由edouard vermeulen设计的礼服。 |