多伦多Toronto[英][tə'rɒntəʊ] [美][tə'rɑnto] 中英文故事:外婆(16) 最大的那个女儿发育迟缓,18岁时得肺炎去世了。然后是我一直认为排行老大的母亲,老三是姨妈,是家中的害群之马。除了要结婚时来一下,其他时间她不曾来过。她来过好几次,是因为她结了7次婚。 最小一个就是我的舅舅了,他从空军退伍后回来过,和我们住了几个月后,回到东部的多伦多了。此后再也没有他的消息。 She was the eldest and died at eighteen of pneumonia and had been retard¬ed. There was my mother, who I assumed was the eldest, then my aunt, who was the black sheep of the family and who never came around except when she was about to bemarried. This was frequently as she married seven times. Then there was my uncle who came back once after get¬ting out of the Air Force and lived with us for a few months before moving back east to Toronto. We never heard much from him after that. 中英文例句 1. She teaches photojournalism at the university of toronto. 她在多伦多大学教新闻摄影课。 2. Face masks are much in demand in toronto. 多伦多现在对于口罩的需求量很大。 3. So why has toronto been hit so hard? 为什么多伦多却的遭遇却这么惨? 4. Rita leistner is a photojournalist based in toronto. 瑞塔莱斯特拉是一个来自多伦多的摄影记者。 5. Rita leistner is a photographer and writer based in toronto. 瑞塔莱斯特拉一位多伦多的摄影师兼作家。 |