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时间:2014-04-03 10:28来源:http://yr.89sp.com 作者:编辑组 点击:
很久以前,有一天,一群动物在原野展开一场争论,论题是一胎生最多孩子的动物,是否就应该享有最高的荣誉。 青娃、老鼠、白兔,各自夸耀生产最多孩子,劳苦功高,所以应该享有
天神下凡的那天,许多动物各自带着一大群孩子在原野等候着,他们计有刺猬、青蛙、兔子、猴子、 老鼠……等。
天神听了他们的争论后,正在思考着他们的问题。这时,他看见不远处有只母狮带着她的小狮子正走过来。小狮子静静地跟在一旁,虽然不说话,已见其威严。天神想:“好美好壮的小狮子啊!”然后他慎重向动物们宣布:“所有的动物听着,你们当中的确有的可一胎生产好多孩子,然而这只狮子却一胎只生一只,可是她生的每只都是雄壮威猛的小狮子!所以,我决定把最高荣誉赐给狮子。从今天开始,獅子便是百兽之王 了!”

The Lioness and Her Cub
Once upon a time, a group of animals were debating in the wilderness whether the species with the big-gest brood deserved the greatest honour.
The frog, the rat and the rabbit bragged about producing the biggest number of children, so each of them claimed to deserve that coveted honour.
Failing to reach a consensus, they had to seek a final decision from the God of Heaven as to who should be given the award.
On the arrival of the God of Heaven, there was a huge turnout of animals that had been waiting anxiously with their young. The porcupine, the frog, the rabbit, the monkey and the rat were part of the crowd.
After hearing their arguments, the God of Heaven was deep in thought. At that moment, he saw a lioness passing by with her cub. The cub walked silently but his prowess was written all over his face. The God of Heaven was so impressed that he exclaimed, “What a beautiful and stalwart lion!” Then he spoke in a serious tone:
Listen, animals, no doubt some of you can give birth to a brood of a dozen little ones. This lioness pro duces only one at a time but her child grows up to be extremely strong and mighty! So I have decided to con- fer this honour to her. From now on, the lion is the King of all animals!”
Quality should come before quantity.
