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时间:2014-04-02 12:34来源:http://yr.89sp.com 作者:编辑组 点击:
他坐在我身边,几乎是用耳语一样的声音说道:你是幸运的,你的女儿那么漂亮。你应该继续往前走。这个梦很清晰、很美丽,不像我做的其他梦那样充满了不祥之兆:疯狂的野兽 在黑暗
他坐在我身边,几乎是用耳语一样的声音说道:“你是幸运的,你的女儿那么漂亮。你应该继续往前走。”这个梦很清晰、很美丽,不像我做的其他梦那样充满了不祥之兆:疯狂的野兽 在黑暗中追赶着我,房间里没有门,也没有窗户。我被野兽抓住,人们冲我尖叫,说着我听不懂的话语。唐经常造访我的梦境,在梦里他可以看我,向我打声招呼,安慰我。如果我需要他,他就来;或者,即使我不需要他,他也在那儿。
已故的唐给予我的东西,是远非那些活着的人所能相比的。他给了我希望,给我了童真般的希望,纵有万般的不如意,也相信明天一切都会好起来;希望我死后,依然有人陪伴;希望 有种力量或精神能日夜守候,守候像我这样的人。

He sat beside me and spoke in a near-whisper, saying, “She is beautiful, you are lucky. You should move on. ” It all made such clear, beautiful sense. It wasn’t like my other dreams, filled with ugly, crazed beasts chasing me in the darkness, rooms with no doors, no windowa^f^pptB^* me, people screaming indecipherable phrases to me. My dreams^ecafine ari^easy place for him to visit me, to say hello, to reassure me,so be therep I need him. that no one in life had given me before. He gave me hope. The childlike hope that even where everything is going wrong, it might all be good again tomorrow. Hope that if I die, I won’t be alone. Hope that there may be some rces or spirits out there that spend their days and nights watching over people. People just like me.
