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时间:2014-04-01 08:48来源:http://yr.89sp.com 作者:编辑组 点击:
我们回到了旅馆的大厅。我的中国客人仍和其他人在一起。这位盲人伸出一只大手热情地握着我的手不放。过了一会儿,那手才摸索着找到了我的肘部,又摸到了肩头。拐杖 砰的一声落
我们回到了旅馆的大厅。我的中国客人仍和其他人在一起。这位盲人伸出一只大手热情地握着我的手不放。过了一会儿,那手才摸索着找到了我的肘部,又摸到了肩头。拐杖 “砰”的一声落到大理石地面上,人们纷纷吃惊地转过头来。他毫无缩回手去的意思,反而把我拉到他的怀里,紧紧地拥抱我。“你帮我看到的这一切真是太美了。”他低声说道,"我对你真是感激不尽啊!”
旅行之后大约一周,董事长把我叫到他的办公室,告诉我他接到了那位中国总裁的电话。那个总裁对这次旅行非常满意。“干得好! ”董事长微笑着说,“我就知道你能创造奇迹。”

Back at the hotel lobby, with my Chinese guest still in the company of others, the blind man extended a large hand, which gripped mine warmly. It remained there for a moment, then traveled to my elbow and shoulder. Heads turned in sur¬prise as the cane fell with a clatter to the marble floor. He made no attempt to retrieve it, but instead pulled me toward him and hugged me tightly. “ How beautifully you saw every¬thing for me,” he whispered. “I can never thank you enough. ”
Later the realization struck me: I should have thanked him. I was the one who had been blind. He had helped me lift the veil that grows so quickly over our eyes in this hec¬tic world, and to see all those things I’d failed to marvel at before.
About a week after our trip, the chairman summoned me to his office and told me he had received a call from the Chinese executive, who expressed great satisfaction with the trip. “Well done," the chairman said, smiling. “I knew you could do the magic. ”
I was not able to tell him that the magic had been done to me.
We chase after it, when it is waiting all about us.
